How I Made $10,000 a Month as a Student: My Easy Guide

Wayne AI
3 min readNov 5, 2023


Hey there, fellow students! I’m here to tell you how I managed to pull in $10,000 a month while still studying. It’s a crazy dream, right? Financial freedom, flexible hours, and no boss breathing down your neck — it’s the good stuff! But in a world filled with scams and wild promises, it’s not a piece of cake. Still, with the right approach, it’s doable.

Imagine having 10K every month as a student! You could travel, pick up new hobbies, and never worry about money. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Well, in this blog, I’ll share my journey and show you how to follow in my footsteps.

My Journey to $10,000 a Month

I was just like you, a regular student with big dreams and not much money. The idea of making 10K a month felt like a far-off fantasy, but I was determined to make it happen. Turns out, the path to financial success as a student isn’t a straight line. You need dedication, the right mindset, and a solid plan.

1. Finding the Right Way to Make Money

First things first, you need to find the right way to make money. Trading might seem tempting, especially in the stock market, but it’s risky. Many “experts” are just after your money, and trading can be super unpredictable.

So, what did work for me? Online businesses! These are more stable and reliable. You won’t make a million in your first year, but earning more than a regular job is totally doable. Plus, you can run these businesses from anywhere, giving you freedom and flexibility.

2. Setting Realistic Goals and Being Patient

Making 10K a month is an awesome goal, but it takes time. Some folks want quick results and get frustrated when they don’t see them. Trust me, it’s essential to set realistic goals.

Don’t rush it. Building a good income takes time and effort. Be ready for a journey that might take a few years.

3. Keeping the Money Flowing

Once you hit the 10K-a-month mark, the journey isn’t over. You have to keep the money flowing and growing. Here’s how:

  • Make 10K your baseline. Once you’re there, don’t let yourself drop below it. That’s your new money standard.
  • Learn from the rich. Check out what successful people do with their money. They know how to make it and keep it.


In a nutshell, making 10K a month as a student is doable if you pick the right way to make money, set realistic goals, and keep the cash coming in. Your journey might take longer than you think, but that’s okay. Be patient and work hard, and you’ll make your 10K a month a reality.

Thanks for hanging out with me on this adventure to student financial success! Catch you in the next blog, and remember, we’re in this together. Keep rocking those dreams, and see you real soon!

